For JoyCut we have designed an entire virtual show, live streaming on Twitch; with ten songs in the lineup, for each song a patch has been programmed that takes up the visuals of the old tour, adapting them to a 2.0 version. Preparing Notch's content and patches took us about a month of work, while the whole show ran on three computers, one for Resolume Arena, one for Notch and the last for OBS; controlled via two MIDI controllers and NDI system.
The concert was held on 2 July 2020 at the Estragon Club in Bologna at 19:00, with a duration of about 45 minutes.
Stage: 01 - Song: Wireless

Stage: 02 - Song: Dominio

Stage: 03 - Song: Children in Love

Stage: 04 - Song: Drive

Stage: 05 - Song: Deus

Stage: 06 - Song: Dark Star

Stage: 07 - Song: Saun

Stage: 08 - Song: Blu Tokyo

Stage: 09 - Song: Komorebi

Stage: 10 - Song: First Song

Vocals, keyboards, guitar: Pasquale Pezzillo
Tribal percussions, keyboards: Gaël Califano
Drum: Christian Montanarella
Vocals, keyboards, guitar: Pasquale Pezzillo
Tribal percussions, keyboards: Gaël Califano
Drum: Christian Montanarella
Creative studio: ROOF Videodesign
Art direction and production: Mikkel Garro Martinsen
Documentation: Claudio Stanghellini, Chiara Minozzi, Luca Giovannardi, Marta Negrari
Location: Estragon Club of Bologna
Date: July 2020